Articles about Attention Deficit Disorder or ADD

Attention Deficit Disorder - The Great Pretender or the Chameleon

The media and therefore the general public has a clear, but misguided belief about what ADD/ADHD or attention deficit disorder is. They describe the stereotype which is an 8-12 year old boy...
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ADD & ADHD natural supplement - The Social and Self-esteem Disorder

When parents, educators, and the general public think of ADD/ADHD they tend to focus on academic, or in the case of adults, career issues. It is true that many sufferers of attention deficit disorder and attention deficit disorder with hyperactivity show great impairment in school and work...
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ADD Cure or ADHD Natural Remedies

Throughout the years many doctors, chiropractors, and natural supplement companies have announced, often with great fan fare, that they have a cure for attention deficit disorder or ADD/ADHD...
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The ADD Child - It Doesn't Get More Vibrant Than This!

Children with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) are labeled long before they come to an understanding of the term ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). From a very early age they are told that they are unfocused, distracted, lazy, nervous, unable to sit still, undisciplined, stupid, rebellious, or that they just don't care...
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To Medicate Or Not To Medicate? - That Is The Question

If you really want an argument all you have to do is mention the word attention deficit disorder, more commonly known as ADD or ADHD...
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This is a list of tips and advice that will help with any ADD or ADHD treatment. Following this ADD protocol will help diminish the symptoms of ADD or ADHD when used together with a medication or natural treatment...
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